A dumping ground for stuff.

Welcome. Kind of. This is a spare domain of mine that I am using to deposit random bits and pieces of mine to stop me cluttering up other domains. At the moment the main things here are some image galleries.

Please note that these are raw, unretouched images. Mostly. Think of these as contact sheets - small galleries that show you the rough as well as the smooth. The black and white images will have scratches and be lacking in contrast. The colour images are likely to have nasty colour casts and scratches. On the whole, most of it will be vile. But it might give you an idea about what I'm currently photographing (or was photographing at a certain point) and give you a sense of composition.
To wit: these are works in progress at best, outright rejects at worst. If you would like to see finished versions, you should check out Flickr or dA.

Update 2006-05-20: My negative scanner is broken, so there will be no film posts coming up. You may still get digital images. Those sets don't have numbers, so they'll be labelled as "DG". I'm also more choosy with my digital images, so you don't get every frame with those.

PS: The domain is a pun on "Essex girls". Kindly stop asking about it.

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