Dear [MP's name], Today the Guardian was prevented from publishing parliamentary business¹. Mr Paul Farrelly, MP for Newcastle-under-Lyme, submitted a question for written answer regarding protection of whistleblowers and press freedom following the injunctions over Barclays' tax avoidance schemes and Trafigura's dumping of toxic waste². This question is part of the public record – it is available on parliament's own website – and both issues are matters of public interest. Not only was the paper prevented from publishing any details of the question but also the legal obstacles, proceedings, and the client who obtained the injunction. I am deeply disturbed that the freedom of the press can be impinged so easily. The media should have complete freedom to report official business of our elected representatives. Without this freedom the general public and media cannot hold the government to account. Public scrutiny and transparent government keep our democracy healthy. I urge you to submit a similar question to Mr Farrelly's and work for reform of the UK's libel laws. Yours sincerely, ¹ ²