The story --------- As a GThumb user who uses catalogues to keep track of the good shots in a given photoshoot I want to be able to click an "Add to last catalogue" button So that I don't have to dig through right-click menus for 100+ images. Acceptance criteria ------------------- * An "Add to last catalogue" button is present in the GThumb toolbar in the thumbnail and image views. * When clicked, the button adds the current image (image view) or selected files (thumbnail view) to the most recently used catalogue. * The hover tooltip should be "Add image(s) to ". * The most recently used catalogue is the catalogue most recently created or the catalogue that most recently had files added to it, whichever is newer. * If Gthumb doesn't know what the most recently used catalogue is, the button should be disabled. * If the most recently used catalogue is deleted, the button should be disabled. * The button should only be visible if the catalogues extension is enabled.