1. Ethicsgirls fans! You can now get recent updates via RSS. http://ethicsgirls.com/ for feed links.
    Sunday, 21st June 2009
  2. I really want to go to this, in Manchester. Who's with me? http://bit.ly/Z5cgw
    Saturday, 20th June 2009
  3. Another brush with death thanks to a guy in a BMW who wasn't paying attention. Please check for oncoming traffic before snapping a U-turn.
    Saturday, 20th June 2009
  4. Much better than expected, actually. Interval now.
    Saturday, 20th June 2009
  5. In the arena, waiting for the show to start. Not convinced this will be any good...
    Saturday, 20th June 2009
  6. How on earth did this place run over budget? It's just a giant tent.
    Saturday, 20th June 2009
  7. In the millennium dome. Or O2, as they would have it. Had to pass through a metal detector and have my bag X-rayed to get in. Ridiculous.
    Saturday, 20th June 2009
  8. I'd just like to take this opportunity to say I was wrong. I thought this whole thing was a lot of fuss about nothing, and that the MPs had played by the rules. But then I found out that they had to sign each expenses claim declaring that they were "costs wholly, exclusively, and neccessarily in the course of performing [their] parliamentary duties.". That was before we had house-flipping, £225 pens, and claims on homes that didn't exist or didn't qualify. I still think it's a bit blown out of proportion - if you call it an allowance you can't get too upset if they treat it like an allowance - but the whole debacle is yet another reminder of the contempt our politicians have for the public.
    Saturday, 20th June 2009
  9. I use Audacious at work and Amarok at home, but I certainly don't enjoy either of them.
    Saturday, 20th June 2009
  10. Yeah. Sound on Linux still sucks. We might have got the backend sorted out, but for an end user it's been that way for ages - my soundcard's worked since 2000. But the media players suck, the sound editors are mediocre, and the sequencers are buggy as hell. And that's even before you look at truly unique software, like Acid or Reason. There's nothing like that on Linux.
    Saturday, 20th June 2009
  11. Battersea Power Station

    The then-current redevelopers of Battersea Power Station opened the site up as part of their public consultation phase. The plans were horrible, but it was interesting to have a wander around (even if access was very limited).

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Saturday, 12th July 2008 Thursday, 18th June 2009
  12. The gills on mushrooms kind of freak me out a little bit. That's not weird, right?
    Thursday, 18th June 2009
  13. Investigate your MP's expenses

    Isn't this great? Crowdsourced scrutiny of MP's expenses.
    Shared on Facebook Thursday, 18th June 2009
  14. This is amazing. It is the best thing I've seen for a long while. It's only been around for a couple of hours and it's already got through 20,000 pages of MP's documents. I've found my MP claims about 1,200 a month on unspecified "consultancy", George Galloway claims a lot for food, Ian McCartney paid almost £600 for a paper shredder, and Gerald Kaufman spent £225 on a pen.
    Thursday, 18th June 2009
  15. Scoffing down some breakfast cereal and reading my MP's expenses claims. http://tinyurl.com/myplcp
    Thursday, 18th June 2009
  16. Stewart & Helen

    An experiment with studio lights.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Wednesday, 01st August 2007 Thursday, 18th June 2009
  17. Sigh. This is the beginning of the end. It's all downhill from here.
    Thursday, 18th June 2009
  18. Damn you, physics.
    Wednesday, 17th June 2009
  19. Apparently I can get an Aeron for £350. Very, very tempting.
    Wednesday, 17th June 2009
  20. The thing that did it for me was this line: > So while Opera is right to seize on to the social networking meme, they’re doing so largely to increase the waning relevance of their browser. As if there's only room for one browser, or two or three. I really like Opera, and that's why I use it. If other people want to use Firefox, or IE, or Safari, I don't care. I use what works for me, other people use what works for them. People don't complain that there's too many soda brands, and what we really need is one soda to rule them all. There's room in the browser 'market' for plenty of different players.
    Wednesday, 17th June 2009
  21. You're using guesswork here to ascribe motive; it's possible the number of people are accurate, but there was something objectionable in the crowd at that point (protest banners, other nation's flags, etc). 4 small patches of cloning doesn't mean it's been photoshopped to increase attendance. I'm not saying that you're wrong, I'm just saying there's other possible explanations.
    Wednesday, 17th June 2009
  22. Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Saturday, 05th May 2007 Wednesday, 17th June 2009
  23. Each photoshoot gets its own directory under ~/Documents/Images/Digital, with a date and a description. The RAW files go in here. I have a bash alias like this: > alias picconv='ufraw-batch --out-type=jpeg --out-path=Proofs/ --shrink=3 --exposure=0 *.cr2' That makes a bunch of jpegs in a folder "Proofs" that are 1/3rd the size of the original, to check things like composition, sharpness, etc. I use The Gimp to edit the ones I like best into a final version. I'm getting more and more dissatisfied with The Gimp for photo editing, but the conversion from RAW is fine for me. I've not heard of a lot of the tools which others have recommended, so I'm definitely going to check them out.
    Tuesday, 16th June 2009
  24. The Hoover Building

    The Hoover Building in Perivale is one of the best examples of art deco architecture we have left. At night, they light the building up green.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Monday, 03rd July 2006 Tuesday, 16th June 2009
  25. Stick it on eBay, you'll get the market value for it. As others say, include as much detail about *your* camera as you can, and include some decent pics of it. Start the bidding low (say, 99 cents) and people will be more likely to bid. You can always list it with a reserve if you're nervous.
    Tuesday, 16th June 2009
  26. I'm presuming that the person wielding the knife is untrained and emotional - ie. lashing out due to fear or anger rather than planning their attack. If you get stabbed pretty much anywhere in the torso, you're in some real trouble, and most people tend to react to stabbings by trying - unsuccessfully - to jump out of the way. That is, they get hit anyway. A slash leaves worse scars, but doesn't go as deep and you'd have to be unlucky to catch a major blood vessel. Also, people are more likely to put their hands/arms up in response to a slashing motion, which leads to less life-threatening injuries. The above is pure conjecture, but I would rather have someone try to slash me than stab me.
    Monday, 15th June 2009
  27. ATTN: people in London. I need some help with a photoshoot on Thursday. 7PM for an hour or so near Old Street. There's a beer in it for you.
    Monday, 15th June 2009
  28. I was going to say that it's pointless, as you'll just get more slash wounds instead. But they're way less lethal, so that's probably worthwhile. I think the biggest obstacle to adoption isn't the cost, but getting people to think that members of their household are likely to stab them.
    Monday, 15th June 2009
  29. Man at table

    This is a candid portrait of a man at a table in a café. He didn't notice me taking his picture, mainly because he was watching the musician on the stage.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Sunday, 25th March 2007 Monday, 15th June 2009
  30. Jovan Jovanović Zmaj

    Jovan Jovanović Zmaj (Јован Јовановић Змај) is one of Serbia's most popular poets. Best known for his children's poetry, he roamed the genres like some kind of poetry-writing wildebeest. This statue is in Novi Sad, outside the Bishop's Palace (Vladicanski dvor).

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Thursday, 21st May 2009 Sunday, 14th June 2009
  31. #justwatched The Crow. Verdict: goths suddenly make a bit more sense.
    Saturday, 13th June 2009
  32. Digesting a delicious meal from 222 in West Kensington. I should come here more often.
    Saturday, 13th June 2009
  33. There is a place in Vauxhall called the British Interplanetary Society. I am intrigued.
    Saturday, 13th June 2009
  34. Clock tower

    Kalemegdan (Калемегдан) fortress has a clock tower over one of its arches.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Saturday, 16th May 2009 Thursday, 11th June 2009
  35. That's a *bold* claim. If this turns out to be a reannouncement of Opera Turbo, I will be very disappointed.
    Thursday, 11th June 2009
  36. Belgrade building

    A building in central Belgrade.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Wednesday, 20th May 2009 Wednesday, 10th June 2009
  37. Two towers

    Walking from the bus station towards the Novi Sad town centre we came upon this boarded-up building with the great green roof. The colours of the chuch spire are also amazing.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Thursday, 21st May 2009 Tuesday, 09th June 2009
  38. Reminders of things past

    Apart from the architecture and the overall Eastern European feel to Serbia, there are very few physical reminders of the country's socialist past. This hole in the plastering on the back of a house where a red star had once been was almost the only one I saw.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Thursday, 21st May 2009 Monday, 08th June 2009
  39. >-i7z }7y'

    While heading to the supermarket in Pančevo (Панчево a storm rolled in, but the skies behind us were fairly clear. As big, heavy raindrops started to fall I took this picture of the pos...

    Posted on deviantART Sunday, 07th June 2009
  40. Posta Telegraf Telefon

    While heading to the supermarket in Pančevo (Панчево) a storm rolled in, but the skies behind us were fairly clear. As big, heavy raindrops started to fall I took this picture of the post office building across the street.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Thursday, 21st May 2009 Sunday, 07th June 2009
  41. Glasses

    At the top of Petrovaradin Fortress (Петроварадинска тврђава) in Novi Sad was this bit of sculpture.

    I don't know what it's about either.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Thursday, 21st May 2009 Friday, 05th June 2009
  42. Most citizens have some powers of arrest. The police sometimes get a few more, and are better trained/equipped to carry them out, but generally the police are meant to be 'of the people'. (Some of this is UK-centric).
    Friday, 05th June 2009
  43. You want something you use, something that is missing a feature/has a bug that bothers you, and something you *really* like. This last part is important. A lot of OSS projects have some prominent dickslaps in their ecosphere, and/or have an atmosphere of being ascerbic rather than helpful. Liking the software a lot will help you cope with this, and give you the drive to find answers on your own when others won't help you.
    Friday, 05th June 2009
  44. In other news, as well as being able to fashion specialised tools, some birds have been found that are able to write simple shell scripts.
    Friday, 05th June 2009
  45. Oh my. When this launches, I will audibly squeal with delight.
    Thursday, 04th June 2009
  46. Pretty much any of them. Digital cameras are at the mercy of very complex technology - sensors, control systems, and software - but film cameras are little more than a light-tight box. We've been messing with them for 150 years now so we're quite good at it. To put it another way: with digital the camera itself has a definite impact on the pictures you make, whereas with film it's all about the lens. You will do better to pick up a crappy body and a decent lens than the other way around. The real decision you have to make is how manual you want to go. If you can put up with no auto-exposure and manual focusing, people will pretty much fling second-hand cameras SLRs at you. The amount of bargains out there are unbelievable. The Canon T70, for instance, is an amazing camera that will set you back a mere £40ish on eBay. The Olympus OM-10 can be had, with a lens, for £25-30. These cameras will teach you the fundamentals of photography very quickly, simply because you have to think more to use them well, and this education will stand you good stead throughout your photography. But there are downsides: you have to spend money to get your pictures, and the cost increases with the number of photos you take. Feedback on what picture you took is not immediate, and you won't get EXIF data (so either you remember how you took the picture, or try to reverse-engineer it later). You'll get more fuckups - misloaded film, completely wrong exposure because your meter's battery was nearly dead, double exposure, accidentally opening the camera and ruining your film, and so on. Finally, the money you pour into it is wasted if you want to upgrade to digital later. You can negate some of these by getting a more modern film camera. The prices for the bodies are still fairly cheap. A Canon EOS 500 will set you back £25 from eBay, and it takes EF lenses so you can get yourself a digital body in a few years and use all your lenses with it. The same goes for Nikon's offerings. So which film SLR to get depends on how likely you are to upgrade in the future. If you want an older, fully manual camera you can pretty much take your pick. The Olympus OM-10 is a classic, as is the Canon AE-1 or T70/T90. There are some highly-regarded Pentax models out there. You'll find more second-hand options for lenses/accessories for bigger names, but you can pick up whatever you like here and get a good camera. This is also the cheaper option. If you're going to go for something that lets you take your lenses with you in a future digital upgrade/augmentation, then you should think a bit more. Personally I shoot Canon, but if I were to start again today I would go with Nikon (simply because their flash gives you more flexibility than Canon's). It's still a matter of personal preference, but because the lenses are still used by a wide swathe of the photography community they're not cheap. Sorry for the length.
    Thursday, 04th June 2009
  47. Novi Sad church

    A church in Novi Sad, inside the old city walls.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Thursday, 21st May 2009 Thursday, 04th June 2009
  48. What makes you think it won't make it to the final release? I'll be very disappointed if it doesn't.
    Thursday, 04th June 2009
  49. I'm quite impressed so far (but I am a huge Opera fanboy). The rendering engine seems much faster, as does its Javascript/DOM manipulation. Facebook lags in Opera 9.6 when compared with Firefox, but this has been solved in the beta. Last.fm is quicker too. Visual tabs are a neat idea, but I don't think it's something I'd ever use (just because I have too many tabs open to justify it). The worst I can say about it is that the "Welcome to Opera 10" page (http://portal.opera.com/upgrade/) is ugly as sin. Oh, can we have a way to organise RSS feeds, please? A folder heirarchy would be lovely.
    Wednesday, 03rd June 2009
  50. Chemistry Magic Trick

    Another part of museum night was a demonstration at the Faculty of Chemistry of some chemistry magic tricks - colourful reactions, pyrotechnic effects, things that behaved in a weird way, and so on...

    Posted on deviantART Wednesday, 03rd June 2009
  51. Chemistry magic trick

    Another part of museum night was a demonstration at the Faculty of Chemistry of some chemistry magic tricks - colourful reactions, pyrotechnic effects, things that behaved in a weird way, and so on. The lobby held some students demoing things, including this.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Sunday, 17th May 2009 Wednesday, 03rd June 2009
  52. Kalemegdan observatory

    Kalemegdan (Калемегдан) citadel includes an observatory. It charges 30 dinars to go in during the daytime and 50 at night - about 30p/50p.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Saturday, 16th May 2009 Tuesday, 02nd June 2009
  53. The Crystal Palace Park photoset is now available on Ethicsgirls.

    Tuesday, 02nd June 2009
  54. Have sex, hate sexism

    I found this graffiti in a pretty rural setting, on a wall in a leafy cobbled path.

    I wish I could figure out what the figures were doing.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Thursday, 21st May 2009 Monday, 01st June 2009
  55. Yugoslavian medium tank A1

    Within the Kalemegdan (Калемегдан) fortress there's a collection of tanks and artillery, including this one.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Saturday, 16th May 2009 Sunday, 31st May 2009
  56. On the air

    As part of museum night we went to a small art exhibition of old radios & broadcasting equipment at Gallery Ozon.

    I lit this with off-camera flash; my friend held a flashgun with a diffusing dome above and slightly to the front of the mic, set to a couple of stops above the ambient.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Sunday, 17th May 2009 Saturday, 30th May 2009
  57. Kalemegdan fortress

    Kalemegdan (Калемегдан) fortress is now a park in Belgrade. You can see the observatory in the background, as well as the path that is traditionally used as access to the annual beer festival.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Saturday, 16th May 2009 Wednesday, 27th May 2009
  58. Origami Swan

    While sitting on a bus in Pančevo (Панчево ) I looked to my right and saw this tiny origami swan sitting on the windowsill. This probably isn't strictly macro, but I didn't know where else...

    Posted on deviantART Tuesday, 26th May 2009
  59. Origami swan

    While sitting on a bus in Pančevo (Панчево) I looked to my right and saw this tiny origami swan sitting on the windowsill.

    Posted on Flickr :: Taken on Sunday, 17th May 2009 Tuesday, 26th May 2009
  60. The Snapshots from Germany photoset is now available on Ethicsgirls.

    Monday, 25th May 2009
  61. The Snapshots from Serbia photoset is now available on Ethicsgirls.

    Sunday, 24th May 2009
  62. The Snapshots from Germany photoset is now available on Ethicsgirls.

    Sunday, 24th May 2009
  63. The Snapshots from Ireland photoset is now available on Ethicsgirls.

    Sunday, 24th May 2009
  64. I'm pretty sure that Spotify is just burning through their venture capital ("We lose something on every track we stream, but we make it up on volume"). I'd be delighted if they could find a way to do it without haemorraging cash, though.
    Sunday, 10th May 2009
  65. This whole thing strikes me as a storm in a teacup. The Telegraph paid a ridiculous sum to get their hands on the data early, and now they have to sex it up so they get their money's worth. The MPs had a set of rules, and they followed those rules. What's the problem with that? I'd find it more interesting to see the same kind of deep scrutiny on the register of minister's interests, but that kind of corruption isn't as sexy and won't shift as many papers.
    Sunday, 10th May 2009
  66. I think that there's 3 things you need to do with this project: 1. Establish who is responsible for saying what the system does and doesn't do. This may be someone high up in the company, or it might be you. But somebody needs to be able to say "This system will do X, but it won't do Y." Someone has to be able to say when it is finished, at least for this version. 2. Set up a visual representation of what's left to be done, along with how much time it will take to do each task. The traditional way is with index cards, but it doesn't have to be. By making the remaining time tangible, as well as what needs to be done in that time, you help others understand that adding/changing things at this point has a cost, whether that cost is extending a deadline or dropping something else. 3. Impose a feature freeze. "Sorry, we've allotted this time for testing the system and fixing the bugs that we find. If we have to use this time for development then we can't do that, and we can't test a system that's changing." One final observation: why do you care? This project is going to be a trainwreck at this point no matter what you do. If you've been given a promotion and put in the hot seat then OK, but from your text it sounds like you're still the production DBA who has to import some data. If that's still your role, I would keep this project as far away from you as possible. Don't be a hero. You can't fix it at this point, so you're better off keeping your head down and not getting any of the blame when it all goes tits-up.
    Saturday, 04th April 2009
  67. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/obama_inauguration/7837927.stm For UK users.
    Tuesday, 20th January 2009
  68. A Thousand Albums to Hear Before you Die – Last.fm

    Shared on Facebook Monday, 17th November 2008
  69. A Thousand Albums to Hear Before you Die

    A year ago The Guardian published a list of 1,000 albums to hear before you die. Rather than aim for a list of the 1,000 best albums - boring! - it was intended as a miscellany; an array of albums slightly off the beaten path. Gems and runners-up from the greats, forgotten treasures from everyone else.

    Posted on Last.fm :: Read more Monday, 17th November 2008
  70. Octopus in oil

    Just what you'd expect to find next to the pesto.
    Shared on Facebook Tuesday, 29th July 2008
  71. Nick Davies on the bloody battle of Genoa | World news | The Guardian

    This is the most unsettling thing I've read in a long time.
    Shared on Facebook Friday, 18th July 2008
  72. Last.fm: The Next Generation

    Shared on Reddit Thursday, 17th July 2008
  73. www.ethicsgirls.com

    Some moron¹ knelt on my mobile phone and broke the screen. I can still make calls, but receiving texts and seeing what I'm doing is... no longer possible.

    If you have a spare handset sitting in a drawer somewhere and are willing to sell it, do let me know.

    ¹ I was that moron.
    Shared on Facebook Sunday, 22nd June 2008
  74. Beta testing Last.fm in central London

    Free coffee and cake for 20 minutes of your time. All welcome - Last.fm users as well as people who have never ever used the site. Either message Matt B on Last.fm (see link) or get in touch with me.
    Shared on Facebook Thursday, 29th May 2008
  75. Upcoming gigs.

    Posted on Facebook :: Read more Thursday, 29th May 2008
  76. Test Your Awareness: Do The Test

    As a cyclist in London I pretty much shot my load over this.
    Shared on Facebook Sunday, 11th May 2008
  77. BBC NEWS | Health | Europeans get drunk 'to have sex'

    I guess this is why my love life is somewhat off-track.
    Shared on Facebook Friday, 09th May 2008
  78. Facebook 'poke' leads to awkward one-nighter - Features

    Sign this writer up to The Onion, I say. This article is awesome.

    "At 1 a.m., Larson invited Gold into her bedroom to "see some of my books," according to Gold."
    Shared on Facebook Tuesday, 06th May 2008
  79. Miracle Fortress

    I am pathetically, hopelessly in love with Miracle Fortress. I have been since December, which is when I re-discovered their album Five Roses (sadly not available for streaming - boo). Back in June last year I snagged a copy after reading a short but favourable review in The Guardian. At the time I was getting through a lot of new albums, mostly based around what the Guardian recommended. I can remember sitting at my desk at work and listening to it on my iPod, and thinking "Man, this is good." Then work distracted me and I forgot about it completely.

    Posted on Last.fm :: Read more Sunday, 06th April 2008
  80. Alexpounds.com - Linux Music Players Suck

    They really do.
    Shared on Facebook Tuesday, 01st April 2008
  81. Ethicsgirls.com - The Sushi Gallery

    Sometimes I make sushi. Then I photograph it.
    Shared on Facebook Wednesday, 12th March 2008
  82. The Smiths: A Perpetual Disappointment

    I might be the only one who gets this, but when you listen to The Smiths, do you feel a nagging sense of disappointment? Of a great opportunity missed? They often strike me as a group that could have been wonderful, but were sucked down by a lack of musical imagination.

    Posted on Last.fm :: Read more Monday, 25th February 2008
  83. Attention, Canterbury infidels.

    I will be descending upon the household of Skel and Tan late this Thursday evening, and remaining in Canterbury for the weekend. At present I have nothing booked, except for a dentist's appointment around noon on Friday. This is your chance to book some quality time with me while I'm free and in town.

    Posted on Facebook :: Read more Tuesday, 19th February 2008
  84. Monkey Swallows the Universe.

    Posted on Last.fm :: Read more Saturday, 12th January 2008
  85. Last.fm – the Blog · Blogging from the Ballpit

    We know how to party.
    Shared on Facebook Saturday, 22nd December 2007
  86. Achewood - December 10, 2007

    Sometimes I try and explain to people why Achewood is pure, unremitting genius. I never can, but hopefully today's strip demonstrates it nicely.

    The best I can come up with is that it's a combination of superb writing, a delicious use of language, pacing, and mood. It's wondrous.
    Shared on Facebook Tuesday, 11th December 2007
  87. Terminus Movie

    I don't know what I think of this. It is weird, and odd, and the kind of thing that film students (and ex-film-students) would like.

    It is worth a watch.
    Shared on Facebook Monday, 03rd December 2007
  88. Another dinosaur artist.

    They're everywhere.

    Posted on Last.fm :: Read more Wednesday, 07th November 2007
  89. Another of our dinosaur brethren.

    They are all rappy. Jurassic 5.

    Posted on Last.fm :: Read more Tuesday, 06th November 2007
  90. More dinosaurs.

    Posted on Last.fm :: Read more Tuesday, 06th November 2007
  91. They're on the loose!

    Dinosaurs are everywhere. Tyrannosaurus Hives.

    Posted on Last.fm :: Read more Monday, 05th November 2007
  92. The Decemberists

    Posted on Last.fm :: Read more Wednesday, 03rd October 2007
  93. Apple disappointment.

    As is traditional at the start of September Apple announced a load of new and updated products. Also traditional is the frenzy of fanboy speculation and discussion. But I am not an Apple fanboy, nor do I have a Scrooge McDuck-style swimming pool full of money, and so such announcements hold no appeal for me.

    Posted on Last.fm :: Read more Monday, 24th September 2007
  94. Purple Starfish

    This is, of course, not the kind of thing I usually do. But I made it so I thought I'd submit it. This is a purple furry starfish I made over 2 days as a present for my girlfriend. She likes purp...

    Posted on deviantART Sunday, 02nd September 2007
  95. R{bW

    I was hoping to alternate between posting nude and non-nude images from my shoot with the amazing ~i-am-god-la-dee-da, but I had this one ready to go so I think I'm going to have to let that rule s...

    Posted on deviantART Saturday, 12th May 2007
  96. Hello

    Another image taken from my shoot with the delicious ~i-am-god-la-dee-da. Kind of a rare one for me, as it's in colour and a landscape format (I seem to tend towards a portrait orientation and blac...

    Posted on deviantART Tuesday, 08th May 2007
  97. Tagged

    I had a most enjoyable shoot with ~i-am-god-la-dee-da over the weekend. We both had a blast. This is the first proper shoot I've done in about 6 months and it was good to get back in the saddle aga...

    Posted on deviantART Sunday, 06th May 2007
  98. Not Always This Elbowy

    The splendid =something-wild took this of me at the last DevMeet. I figure I should cast off the last of my shackles of pseudoanonymity and reveal myself to dA. Partially, at least. And, as ment...

    Posted on deviantART Sunday, 06th May 2007
  99. Shower gel

    I am currently using some Original Source shower gel that I bought cheaply. The Original Source stuff is generally quite nice. This one is the rose and geranium shower gel.

    Posted on Facebook :: Read more Sunday, 08th April 2007
  100. Spectator

    I went with a friend to an open mike event this weekend. He wanted me to go and be his tripod, so I could film him. I did. I also took my camera and took some photos. I was quite pleased with this...

    Posted on deviantART Tuesday, 27th March 2007
  101. I shampooed my nostrils today.

    Unintentionally, I hasten to add. Somehow while I was in the shower I managed to get shampoo up my nose. How this was achieved is, frankly, beyond me. It stung. I don't recommend it, but my nostril hair is now glossy and easy-to-manage.

    Posted on Facebook :: Read more Saturday, 10th March 2007
  102. (

    This is the hoover building in London. A few months ago I was staying close to it; on my last night there I wandered up and took some photos. This is one of my favourites. As I haven't submitted...

    Posted on deviantART Friday, 29th December 2006
  103. Tahlia

    Tahlia is a distant relative of mine, I think. I'm pretty sure she's not one of my blood relatives. Anyway, while I was in Australia a lot of my family got together for a dinner and Tahlia was ther...

    Posted on deviantART Tuesday, 01st August 2006
  104. And I'm back. Ish.

    Life has calmed down. After the last month of upheaval things are finally starting to settle down. Turns out I got my degree after all, I have found somewhere to live, and the new job is coming along nicely. It's been a bit of a baptism of fire as it's part of an entirely new department that's supporting existing systems (so there's no go-to guy when you have questions) but I am on top of it.

    Posted on deviantART:: Read more Sunday, 09th July 2006
  105. Life etc.

    Oh my word, life is busy.

    Posted on deviantART:: Read more Thursday, 08th June 2006
  106. From the Darkness

    An experiment in light painting from a shoot this afternoon with ~tanedra. No playing with the colours was undertaken; the image is pretty much what was captured. Canon EOS 350D.

    Posted on deviantART Thursday, 08th June 2006
  107. Trees

    Another image with a slightly graphical quality. I took this while I was on Fraser Island, Australia. Nothing amazing, I know. Canon EOS 500, Ilford HP5.

    Posted on deviantART Friday, 14th April 2006
  108. Silent Partners

    Whilst around the Sydney waterfront I spotted these two people on the bench by the lamppost, and thought I could get a strong, almost graphic image out of it. I'd have liked them to be sitting slig...

    Posted on deviantART Sunday, 09th April 2006
  109. Caged

    This is another picture from Australia. I've struggled over whether it's photojournalism or not; while I shot it with journalistic intent I think my own bias is too evident, especially given the ti...

    Posted on deviantART Tuesday, 28th February 2006
  110. R{bW

    This is an image from one of my recent studio shoots. This is from the first one, so this is representative of my first forays into the world of studio lighting. I've shown it to a few people, and...

    Posted on deviantART Friday, 17th February 2006
  111.  w

    Another shot of mine from Australia, but - shock horror! - this one actually has people in it. Some members of my extended family, in fact. I'm not normally one to take a camera out to dinner, but...

    Posted on deviantART Thursday, 26th January 2006
  112. Uluru, Australia

    Another shot from Australia, one of the scans I've done lately. I've realised I have at least 60 films to scan before I am caught up - this realisation that it was so many is actually quite depress...

    Posted on deviantART Sunday, 22nd January 2006
  113. Another image from my shoot with Tanedra, quite similar to yesterday's. I had noticed the stray hair, but I liked the way it was illuminated so rather than remove it I kept it in the image.

    Posted on deviantART Tuesday, 10th January 2006
  114. How to get access to a studio at my university, 2

    It should be easy to get access to a studio in a University, surely? It's all about expanding your abilities, trying new things, and providing good equipment? No.

    Posted on deviantART:: Read more Monday, 09th January 2006
  115. Studio Abstract 1

    Those of you following along at home will know that I've been trying to set up some studio shoots over the Christmas period. Despite some last minute scrambles, all of them went ahead. I shot a lot...

    Posted on deviantART Monday, 09th January 2006
  116. Carly

    Carly's a girl I met while I was travelling around Australia; she was kind enough to let me stay with her for a couple of days. She's absolutely lovely, a gorgeous person both inside and out. As mu...

    Posted on deviantART Wednesday, 07th December 2005
  117. How to get access to a studio at my university

    So you've been pondering some studio photography for a while, and discover that the darkroom holds two flash heads. You decide that you're going to try it out. How do you go about it?

    Posted on deviantART:: Read more Tuesday, 29th November 2005
  118. Sydney Skyline

    As well as all the colour photos I shot in Australia, I also did some black and white. This is a shot from the start of my trip - Sydney as seen from its botanical gardens. I find the strong perspe...

    Posted on deviantART Sunday, 27th November 2005
  119. Iɷr

    Me, sort of.

    Posted on deviantART Sunday, 27th November 2005
  120. Sunrise in the Whitsundays

    Yet another image from my jaunt around Australia. This was taken somewhere between 6 and 7AM in the Whitsunday islands - I've got some similar ones with the more traditional landscape orientation,...

    Posted on deviantART Sunday, 27th November 2005
  121. Zzzp^i@kjX

    Another image from my trip around Australia - this one's from my time in the Whitsunday Islands. We put ashore on Whitehaven Beach around 8AM and the sand was untouched, washed smooth by the tides....

    Posted on deviantART Thursday, 24th November 2005
  122. Sunset over Kata Tjuta

    I don't often crop my shots but this one is about 1/3 of the original image. It's another shot from my time in the Kata Tjuta-Uluru national park (Kata Tjuta is also known as the Olgas) - a silhoue...

    Posted on deviantART Thursday, 17th November 2005
  123. Uluru, Australia

    I've spent a couple of days scanning slides, and have some nice shots from my time spent around Uluru and Kata Tjuta in Australia. This is the first of these. Uluru is the Anangu name for Ayer's Ro...

    Posted on deviantART Wednesday, 16th November 2005
  124. Life, etc.

    University trundles on but I try not to let it suck up too much of my time. Can't let life get in the way of my photography, can I?

    Posted on deviantART:: Read more Saturday, 12th November 2005
  125. Sydney Opera House, Australia

    Another image from my jaunt around Australia. I don't really go for the standard tourist snaps, and I've tried to produce something more interesting than that here. It's very hard to do with someth...

    Posted on deviantART Saturday, 12th November 2005
  126. Spires

    My misappropriation of religious imagery continues unabated with this, the latest of my Australia pics. One of the famous things about Port Macquarie is St. Thomas' Church, which was built in the m...

    Posted on deviantART Saturday, 15th October 2005
  127. %'vzz9

    This is `cyberyt at the London Devmeet in July. The hat is from =soraneko. It's a candid shot but I don't think it really counts as street photography. Anyway, I quite liked it and I thought it wou...

    Posted on deviantART Friday, 14th October 2005
  128. Pelican

    I came across this pelican while I was having a walk around Port Macquarie in Australia (have a look at my other images of Australia if you like). He was just sitting on a rock, and when it became...

    Posted on deviantART Thursday, 06th October 2005
  129. ׬

    Another photo from my time at Cape Byron. This is a sculpture called Argestes Aqua by a gentleman named Andy Scott. It's part of a larger installation of outside sculptures by a variety of artists....

    Posted on deviantART Friday, 30th September 2005
  130. Cape Byron Lighthouse

    Another image from my recent jaunt around Australia. I took pretty much an entire reel of this lighthouse (and I think I did some in black and white too). I couldn't get it all in without distortin...

    Posted on deviantART Wednesday, 28th September 2005
  131. Noosa Heads Sunset Silhouette

    Another shot from my time in Australia - I think it makes a nice pair with my first Australian shot. I could have made it slightly sharper, but I preferred it with a bit of softness to it. It's mor...

    Posted on deviantART Friday, 23rd September 2005
  132. Noosa Heads Sunset, Australia

    The first of many images from my travels around Australia. This is in a place called Noosa Heads. It's a pretty commercial, tacky small town - it reminded me of Newquay - but it's got some nice sce...

    Posted on deviantART Wednesday, 21st September 2005
  133. Hello, hello

    J'ai retourné.

    Posted on deviantART:: Read more Wednesday, 21st September 2005
  134. Heel-Toe

    Another image from my shoot with Tattered Alice. Nothing special to remark here; I conceived the image and it came out pretty much as I wanted. Canon EOS 500, Ilford HP5.

    Posted on deviantART Thursday, 14th July 2005
  135. Tattered Alice 11

    Another artistic nude from me, from my recent shoot with Tattered Alice. I find it a real challenge, and I still have a lot to learn about this genre. That said, I was quite pleased with this image...

    Posted on deviantART Wednesday, 06th July 2005
  136. No, Down Here

    First off, let me say that I run hot and cold about this image. Some of the time I quite like it; other times I don't. It's certainly not something I'd consider my best work. However, it has given...

    Posted on deviantART Monday, 04th July 2005
  137. Goodbye

    In 16 days, I am off to Australia. However, things are going to be manic between then and now so I thought I might as well do the whole goodbye thing now. I'm getting back early September but things are going to be manic then too, so don't expect me back online until October. I might be back before then, but don't count on it. To be honest I feel a little guilty running away for the UK's best months - I do like the summer a lot, and I'm missing out on it this year.

    Posted on deviantART:: Read more Monday, 04th July 2005
  138. Tattered Alice 06

    A fairly modest nude, but a nude nonetheless. This is an image from my recent shoot with Tattered Alice. It was more a shoot of opportunity - I was passing through her neighbourhood and we'd been...

    Posted on deviantART Friday, 01st July 2005
  139. Crosses

    An image from my recent jaunt upcountry to Wolverhampton and Bangor. This image is from a location in Coventry. Myself and ~pihjin had gone to Coventry for a film festival, and afterwards wandered...

    Posted on deviantART Friday, 24th June 2005
  140. Pride

    I recently ran away on holiday for a few days, first to Wolverhampton, then to Bangor. We were in Birmingham one day after a day of traipsing around trying to find me some new shoes when we stumble...

    Posted on deviantART Thursday, 16th June 2005
  141. Lily 11

    Another day, another imaginative title. This is another shot of Lily, a girl who contacted the University PhotoSoc after some photos of herself. This is one from that shoot. To be honest, I messe...

    Posted on deviantART Thursday, 16th June 2005
  142. Lily 08

    Another shot from my shoot with Lily, although quite different from Adornment. It's a bit fuzzier than I would have liked - it was late in the evening and the light was starting to go. Canon EOS...

    Posted on deviantART Monday, 13th June 2005
  143. Adornment

    Over the past month and a half of not submitting anything I've been crazy busy. Things are still hectic but I've found some time to get a few new images added. This is from a shoot I did with Lil...

    Posted on deviantART Saturday, 11th June 2005
  144. Figure Study 01

    This is another of my early shots, the result of my first attempt at nude photography. My friend B offered to model nude for me, and I gladly accepted - she's a very accommodating model (see F...

    Posted on deviantART Saturday, 23rd April 2005
  145. Weatherbeaten Door

    Another shot from my day out in Farnham with =eblade. I wanted to emphasise the texture of the door, so I overexposed a little - probably a bit too much, really. Still, I wanted to make the im...

    Posted on deviantART Friday, 22nd April 2005
  146. Church Interior

    Another shot from my day out in Shoreham with ~foalface. The church was deserted, leaving us free to examine the tablets laid into the floor and stained-glass windows. I thought it would be ni...

    Posted on deviantART Tuesday, 19th April 2005
  147. Vinyard

    This is one of the shots from my day out in Shoreham with ~foalface. I saw the strong lines and thought it would make a good symmetrical composition. Canon EOS 500, Ilford HP5.

    Posted on deviantART Monday, 18th April 2005
  148. Generation Gap

    This is one of my earliest pics, taken in August '04 while I was in Paris. It's just outside the Bastille as it happens. I saw this scene and thought it would make a good photograph. I had to...

    Posted on deviantART Sunday, 17th April 2005
  149. Eblade

    This is a shot taken on my recent day out in Guildford with =eblade. I'd stopped to take some pictures of water rushing down a weir (that didn't come out that well, unfortunately) when she cro...

    Posted on deviantART Tuesday, 12th April 2005
  150. Pillars

    A couple of quick tips: 1. When you're brushing your teeth, you don't want to sneeze. Toothpaste through the nose is not pleasant. 2. When you're brushing your teeth, you don't want to sneeze...

    Posted on deviantART Saturday, 09th April 2005
  151. A minor update

    First up, I should thank ^blackice for my subscription. He was kind enough to buy me a 3 month sub - in return, I highly recommend that you heap him with sexual favours. It would be rude not to.

    Posted on deviantART:: Read more Wednesday, 06th April 2005
  152. -ޭ

    Another shot from my day out in Farnham with *eblade. I have this thing about mechanical devices and machinery - for some reason I really enjoy photographing it, although that's pretty much wh...

    Posted on deviantART Monday, 04th April 2005
  153. Neighbours

    Today I went to Farnham with the delightful *eblade. It was a dull, smeggy day but we made the best of it and both took some pictures. This was something I saw while we were wandering around....

    Posted on deviantART Wednesday, 30th March 2005
  154. Navel

    This is an old shot that I scanned tonight. The entire roll was like a lesson in how not to take photographs. Also, today's lesson from Captain Obvious is that you want to reduce exposure when...

    Posted on deviantART Wednesday, 23rd March 2005
  155. ]

    This is a shot from the NUS Protest Against Fees in Wales, back in November (December? I forget) last year. My subject here is Budd, the current Union president for my Students' Union. I'd tra...

    Posted on deviantART Monday, 14th March 2005
  156. !

    Just a simple picture focusing on tone and texture. Canon EOS 500, Ilford Delta 3200.

    Posted on deviantART Thursday, 10th March 2005
  157. London Building

    Do not panic - the cliché police have already been alerted. Just a picture of a building I took while out and about on the shoot with Anna. Canon EOS 500, Ilford HP5.

    Posted on deviantART Sunday, 06th March 2005
  158. Anna 18

    Another shot of Anna - one of the later ones from our shoot in London. Canon EOS 500, Ilford HP5.

    Posted on deviantART Saturday, 05th March 2005
  159. Closing Time

    A shot from the weekend before last, when I was down in Plymouth. It was actually taken around 2AM when I was on my way back home, and as a result was completely deserted. It's on 3200 ISO fil...

    Posted on deviantART Thursday, 03rd March 2005
  160. Anna 17

    Another shot of Anna from our London series. This is one of the last images we shot. Canon EOS 500, Ilford HP5.

    Posted on deviantART Wednesday, 02nd March 2005
  161. A short introduction


    Posted on deviantART:: Read more Sunday, 16th January 2005