Hello! My name is Alex
& I'm looking for a room.
Some non-vital statistics
Age 27
Height 5'11"
Weight 85kg (Working on it)
Shoe size 11
Hand span 22cm
Countries visited 13
Burritos consumed this year 63 (approx.)
Siblings 1
Parents 2
Gigs this year 13
Batting average Wait, what?
Hours of sleep per night 7
Unread books 1.5 metres
Pairs of shoes owned 4
Things I Like
Cats :3
Cycling I cycle around London, & plan to tour Europe next year by bike.
The West Wing & everything written by Aaron Sorkin. Bartlet for America.
Smelly soap I like Lush. I like smelling delicious.
Long coats Elegant and dapper.
The PCC My favourite London cinema. I've seen many good films here.
Instapaper I read so much more now, and procrastinate much less.
Moorhens Stupidly long legs and cute little honking noises.
Tea Jasmine, chamomile, and rooibos & vanilla are my favourites.
Cream soda Nectar of the Gods. Way better than coke.
My iPad I'm not proud of this. But I love it.
Lasagna I would eat this all the time if I could be bothered to make it.
Spotify Easier than downloading; lots of new music.
Sugar My greatest love and my biggest nemesis.
Going to gigs I wear earplugs and stand at the front.
Photography Portraits & off-camera lighting in particular.
Things I Dislike
Clubbing Loud, sweaty, odious. No thank you.
Wasps Like bees, but arseholes.
Slow trains You say "Regulating the service." I say "Making me late."
Dr Who I just don't get it. It's not even enjoyably bad. Just bad.
Getting hit by cars It happens. It stings. It's not as common as you think.
Spammers My least favourite task at work is cleaning up spam attacks.
The Daily Mail I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.
Microsoft Windows Frustrating. Infuriating. Popular.
Mornings Dark and cold. I might have it together by 11.30.
The wind Always blowing the wrong way when I'm on my bike.
Having to work Wouldn't it be great to spend life learning & making things?
Coldplay If I married Gwyneth Paltrow I'd be a bit more cheerful.
Ryanair The biggest cause of human misery since we invented Tories.
Smoking I ♥ my lungs.
The cold I'm like a lizard. I'd rather it were hot & sunny all year round.
Flatmate super powers
Always pulls the hair out of the plughole Can fix your computer Has a world-class collection of teas Listens to music using headphones Grandmaster recycler Talks about problems, hates passive-aggressive notes Will always deny overhearing your sex noises Can fix your bicycle Starts work at 10AM, so no shower clashes in the morning Will cat-sit for you and enjoy it Entire social circle is charming, witty, & devilishly handsome.
What I'm looking for
East or Northish London, zones 1-3 Within 10 minutes walk of the Northern Line or East London Line Living with 1 or 2 others (and/or ≤4 cats) Double bed, some storage space Enough room for the bed, a desk, and the occasional press-up Somewhere safe to keep my bike.